Pre-College Division Curriculum Committee

Meeting Agenda / Minutes

Mission: The mission of Pre-College Education is to provide quality pre-program academic and support services to prepare individuals for employment, occupational training, high school completion, post-secondary education, and personal growth.

Meeting Date:

Friday, March 14, 2008

Time / Location:

9:00-11:00 a.m. C354







Maureen Garry


Kevin Mulvenna


James Campbell


Elaine Hines


Susan Nemetz


Patricia Kappel


Wes Holmes


Rita Simons-Santiago


Arturo Martinez


Susan Huebner


Andrea Sullivan-Jurek


Gloria Pitchford-Trice


Aide Ibarra






Diane Jefferson












Agenda Items

Items / Outcomes

Who / Method


1.       Check In



2.       Clarification of tasks in relation to Pre-College Division



3.       Clarification of tasks in relation to Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment CORE Committee



4.       Outline major focus of QRP presentation to CLA on  May 1, 2008



5.       Find a more inclusive meeting time to accommodate all curriculum committee members



6.       Check Out



Agenda Item 1     Check In

Discussion:  Committee members in attendance introduced themselves and their affiliation with the Pre-College Division.

Action items:

Person responsible:


Agenda Item 2 Clarification of tasks in relation to Pre-College Division

Discussion:       Curriculum committee tasks in relation to the Pre-College Division would include such topics as comparison of similar courses at the same level taught in the various departments; for example, the committee could be charged with making sure that all the Adult Secondary Writing courses taught in AHS, GED/HSED, Bilingual, CBOs, ESL, and College Prep required the same level of competencies.      

Action items:

Person responsible:


Agenda Item 3  Clarification of tasks in relation to CLA Committee

Discussion:       The major task required of the Pre-College Divisional Curriculum Committee is a presentation to the CLA Committee on Thursday, May 1, 2008 reporting on the progress from our QRP with the state 2 years ago, reporting on what progress we have made, the areas in which we are experiencing difficulties, and our best practices.

Action items:

Person responsible:


Agenda Item 4     Outline presentation to CLA Committee

Discussion:       It was suggested that because not a lot is known about Pre-College throughout MATC as a whole, the DVD compiled by Kevin Mulvenna for our QRP presentation to the state be shown as part of our CLA presentation.   We are allotted one-half hour for our presentation and a half-hour for discussion.  We will forego 15 minutes of our half-hour discussion time to allow for the DVD presentation.

We will follow-up with Maureen Garry to be sure we have the most current copy of our report to the state; as most of the tasks outlined are based on a 3 to 5 year time line, we may simply have to report on our progress.       

The difficulty of retrieving data required by the state and federal government was discussed.  We will rely on Dr. James Campbell to advise us in this area.

Action items:

Person responsible:


Agenda Item 5   Find a meeting time that will accommodate more committee members

Discussion:       Because of committee members’ teaching schedules, it was determined that Friday was the only possible day to meet.  We chose 10:30-12:00 for Friday April 4, and 10:30 to 1:00 on April 25th.  There were no other possible meeting times.

Action items:

Person responsible:


Agenda Item 6     Other

Discussion:       There was discussion regarding increasing our involvement with the Mequon Campus.

Action items:

Person responsible:





Agenda Item 7     Check Out


Action items:

Person responsible:


Agenda Items for Next Meeting – April 4, 2008 10:30-12:00 C354