All Division of the College have been requested by the Provost to establish a standing Curriculum Committee which will report directly to the Curriculum, Learning and Assessment  (CLA) CORE committee of the college.

The duties of this committee are to:

*address concerns of the CLA committee as they arise;

*review curriculum within the Pre-College Division, ensuring that parallel courses within the various Pre-
 College Departments deliver

     **similar content and exact similar outcomes;

     **review Course Outcome Summaries at least every three years, indicating such review in COSMO
        under the direction of the Curriculum Manager;

     **approve textbook recommendations prior to addition or deletion from the approved textbook list.

The committee will meet at least once per semester or as frequently as monthly if needed.  Members will be comprised of at least one representative from each of the Pre-College Departments as well as a balanced representation from the three major content areas of Mathematics, Reading, and Communications.