Advisory Committee Name

Pre-College Education Division


December 19, 2007

Time Convened

12:00 p.m.

Time Terminated

1:50 p.m.


Milwaukee Campus – Room S120


Carlie Deahl, Transcription Technician

Advisors Present/Affiliation


Advisors Present

Maria Castillo-Uribe - Vieau School
Yolanda Collier - Elmer Winter Career Center, Inc.
Luis Gonzales - Milwaukee Police Department
Tonya Gorst - Metro Milwaukee Assn. of Commerce
Dawn Lauber - Milwaukee Public Library/Greater Milwaukee Literacy Coalition
James Nelson - Career Youth Development
Ken Schmidt - Hope House

MATC Representatives

Gloria Pitchford-Trice - Dean, Pre-College Division
Dr. James Campbell - Associate Dean, Pre-College Division
Pat Kappel - Associate Dean, Pre-College Division AHS
Louise Small Hamilton - Coordinator, Pre-College Division
Ken Mulvenna - IC/Adult High School – Online Courses
Andrea Sullivan-Jurek - IC/College Prep
Arturo Martinez - Associate Dean, Bilingual Division
Rita Simons-Santiago - ESL/Basic Skills – MATC Oak Creek Campus
Susan Nemetz - IC/ Pre-College Division - CBO
Rubye Macon-Stepter - Workforce Development Specialist - CBO 

Advisors Absent

Rueben Harpole, Helen Bader Foundation
Sherrie Tessler, Hunger Task Force
Caroline Williams, Milwaukee Public Schools







                   Information/discussion with advisors

Advisors’ recommendations/

Items for college follow-up

Call to Order and Roll Call/Introductions


Dean Gloria Pitchford-Trice called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.; Introductions were made by each committee member and MATC representatives in attendance.


New Business


Dean Gloria Pitchford-Trice opened with congratulatory comments regarding the opportunity for all members and representatives to come together, allowing the opportunity to review the changes within the division and throughout the District.

Kevin Mulvenna presented the new recruitment video focusing on the variety of programs offered to students.  This video, narrated by veteran MATC Instructor Cory Odom, detailed statistical student information, specialized programs, support services, student life activities, graduation statistic information (31% increase since 2001).

Mr. Gonzales presented the question regarding the target audience of the video.  Mr. Mulvenna answered by stating that high school Juniors and Seniors, as well as multicultural individuals were the primary target audiences.  Dean Pitchford-Trice added that most of MATC videos and printed materials are printed in multi-languages in order to reach the entire population.  Dean Pitchford Trice suggested that this video also be presented to Brunetta Soward who is in charge of recruitment. 

Rita Simons-Santiago asked if the video would be made available to show to all students.  Dean Pitchford-Trice ensured that all campuses will receive copies of this and all videos, which feature MATC’s occupational and technical areas, particularly the programs promoted by the Adult High School division.


Mr. Mulvenna will be providing to members, a link via e-mail, to a video server, which will allow access to preview videos, as well as send a hard copy of same upon request.     


Agenda/Action Items

Approval of Advisory Committee Guidelines:

Dean Pitchford-Trice announced that the College has updated their Advisory Committee Guidelines, which will have some impact to the Pre-College Division Guidelines. Those changes will be reviewed, updated and will subsequently need to be voted on by the committee members. 

  • Election of Officers

Past discussions have been had regarding a Chair and Co-Chair person, thus election for same must be held at today’s meeting. 

  • Term of Office

The Term of Office is also impacted by the College’s new guidelines, ex. Pre-College = 2 year; College = 3 years. 

  • Meeting Schedules

Four meetings per year (2008)

Item 1:  Approval of Guidelines – Modifications will be based upon College’s updated guidelines;

Motion to Approve:  Mr. Gonzales

Seconded: Mr. Nelson

Motion Approved with majority consent.
















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Close Out

Election of Chairperson/Co-Chair

Other members will be polled to ensure consent.

Terms of Chair holder positions to be one (1) year in duration with the exception of the current year.  Dean Pitchford-Trice proposed to conform this specific term to 1½ year, effective January 1, 2008, due to the inability to convene advisory members until this date. The next election will not have to occur until June 30, 2009.

Mr. Gonzales is willing to Chair. 

Voting member Mr. Schultz moved to approve Mr. Gonzales to be Chair.  Motion was seconded and unanimous all in favor.

Ms. Collier was nominated for Co-Chair by Ms. Castillo-Uribe; motion was seconded and unanimous all in favor.

Change from 3-Level to 6-Level Education

Presented By:  Susan Nemetz, Andrea Sullivan Jurek, Rita Simons Santiago

Handouts given indicating the change in levels required by the State. Emphasis was given regarding all campuses stay consistent.

The most significant changes occur in Level 1A which is now split into two levels - Level 1 and Level 2.  The old Level 2A2B is now Level 4.

Prerequisites have changed throughout the campuses requiring students must have TABE or other tests scores proving the student’s increase in grades and proficiency.

Report of Current/On-Going Activities

Presented By:  Dean Gloria Pitchford-Trice

Dean Pitchford-Trice commented about the possible change in the grading system, which would change the current P(ass) (FU)Fail system and incorporate an “IP” (In Progress).

Ms. Castillo posed the question if portfolios were kept on each student regarding each person’s competency.

Dean Pitchford-Trice response was that the “PEP” (Personal Education Plan) was developed for each student.  It allows them a checklist to see where they are at in their educational goals.

Dean Pitchford-Trice offered to send members notices on upcoming meetings regarding changes and issues so they could become involved in the new developments and procedural changes. 

Staff Reassignments/Changes

Dean Pitchford-Trice announced the staff changes in 2006/2007.

Mr. Martinez (Bilingual) will be moving to the Pre-College Division and Ms. Juana Harrison (Pre-College) will be moving to Liberal Arts.

An Associate Dean from MATC North will be moving to MATC South; Associate Dean in Liberal Arts (Milwaukee) is moving to MATC North; Associate Dean from MATC Oak Creek is moving to MATC Milwaukee.

Pre-College Education Division Secondary Report

Statistical and budget information, which is provided annually to the State, will also be provided to each member. 


Capital equipment budget request submitted; budget for 2008-2009 is in process to be submitted.

AEFK has a new RFP process for sub-grants which will be implemented for the next 2 years. Current cycle ends June 30, 2008 thus new competitive process will be initiated. 


Dean Pitchford-Trice attended an ESL talent show given by ESL students, which exhibited the exceptional talents of students from various cultural backgrounds. 

The students from the Carpentry and Architectural Program at the MATC Oak Creek Campus created 45 wood wagons with building blocks.  Each CBO received one wagon to be awarded to the student who showed the highest level of academic achievement within that CBO.


Members were given surveys to indicate day and time preferences for future Advisory Committee Meetings.

Art Martinez – Bilingual Programs Update

Mr. Martinez defined how the Bilingual Programs provide support by 

1) Assisting students in obtaining their GED (Spanish-driven);

2) Provide case-management to each individual student to assist with specialized support to student as needed;

3) Work with and provided Bilingual Support to each CBO site and instructor individually;

4) Provide help in basic skills to each student who are not at a sufficient level (GED/ESL) to develop their native skills.

The goal is to assist students with their learning skills.  Mr. Martinez discussed the goals of  State-initiated programs, IBEST and RISE (Regional Individual Skills Education).  The RISE program focuses on traditional models of technical programs offered by colleges to ESL/Basic Skill students, as well as, providing a statewide link to the Workforce Development agencies.

This program was developed utilizing the study of the educational systems in four states: Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine and Oregon.  This study contained 5 categories of a model in which each college falls: 
1) Advisory; 2) GED; 3) Career Pathway; 4) College Preparatory, and 5) ESL.

The Bilingual program’s goal is to look at these models and see what are the key players the make these programs work.  The key players are the State Department, the District, the Workforce Development Force, academic traditions and foundations.  To make colleges successful, all these elements must be linked together.  Thus, combined the category models and put together one comprehensive model.  This will create an opportunity to reevaluate the Basic Skills area and realign the initiatives of the work force and the State.  This will be an extensive and on-going process, scheduled to be in place by Fall 2008. 

Dean Pitchford-Trice remarked that the State is pushing MATC to align its programs with occupational and technical programs so students, as they are completing their goals in Pre-College, they are also acquiring skills allowing them to be employable.  The State has requested MATC to focus those career opportunities that will allow families a supporting wage.  We will be targeting those industries that will offer that supporting wage.  The Dean recently attended a conference focusing on the IBEST model which discussed the subject of the student who was at the lower levels, 1 and 2, were going into careers that did not offer supporting wages but were laddering into other careers that would enable them to acquire those skills that would result in them receiving a family-supporting wage.  It is vital that support is given to not only to the higher-level student but the lower level as well.

Adult High School Technology Showcase

Presented by:  Associate Dean Pat Kappel

Ms. Kappel discussed the success of the Technology Showcase held on December 5, 2007.  This event displayed the commitment of the Adult High School Program to integrate technology into learning by illustrating the technology is used not only in other programs but it is a way of life, in both an academic environment but the workplace.  This project was incorporated into the curriculum of the Fall 2008 semester.  The best product was showcased in this event.  Dr. Cole, board chair Webber, and other administrators, were so impressed by the student-produced event that he has committed to establishing a scholarship to Adult High School graduates who move on to post-secondary education.  A video of the event was presented to the Board on December 18, 2007.   The overall goal of this project was to prepare the student for post-secondary education, the workplace and to life. Ms. Kappel presented bookmarks created by those students to each Advisory Committee Member.

Ms. Kappel announced the that the Wisconsin Army National Guard elected MATC to develop a program that will allow recruits to earn their GED credentials allowing them to move on to boot camp.  Both Madison Area Technical College and MATC-Milwaukee were considered but the Wisconsin Army National Guard selected MATC-Milwaukee to be the pilot to the program.  The program will consist of 30 recruits to receive online and face-to-face GED instruction.  Wes Holmes, Jackie Reed, as well as other MATC staff was integral in our being selected as the pilot institution for this program

Ms. Santiago presented the question about the Technology Program about the possibility of the program becoming mobile, allowing offsite educational institutions access to middle and high schools for recruitment and retention purposes.  Ms. Kappel response was that invitations were sent to all district school principals and counselors. 

Ms. Santiago stated a concern that programs target at high school students may be too late.  Instead, 6th, 7th and 8th graders should also be targeted to encourage them to continue their education and provide examples of the career paths available to them.  She then requested a videotape of the event.

Dean Pitchford-Trice announced that we have been approached by Discovery World to present all future showcases at their facility. 

Adult High School Update

Presented By:  Louise Hamilton Small

Tenor High School, located at 840 North Jackson, is a member of MATC’s adult high school. It is a charter of UWM and it is geared for 9th through 12th grade students.  At present, there are approximately 170 students enrolled.  One of the goals is to enable the student to achieve a diploma or certification in a trade or technical field.  There are requirements of the students that they must have completed all English/math requirements, as well as an elective, or must have received a satisfactory score on the Accuplacer Test.  Other requirements are satisfactory grades (18+) in the soft skills such as preparedness, attitude and teamwork.

Most of the students enrolled are also taking senior classes.  An orientation was given in the fall of 2007 wherein counselors were available to talk to the students about the program requirements.  Ms. Small-Hamilton presented statistical information.  Eleven students were enrolled in programs such as basic electronics, accounting, nail technician, marketing, medical coding, phlebotomy, animation, business management, and liberal arts and sciences.  Of the original enrollment, 8 are continuing on and 3 have dropped due to health or personal reasons.  Those continuing will be completing business management and nail technician education in December 2007; animation completed in 2009; medical coding completing in May 2008, Marketing, May 2008, Music Production completing in August 2009 and Nail Technician completing in May 2008. 

There is a mentoring program offered to Tenor Students wherein mentoring is provided by individuals who are actively working in the particular field chosen.  In November of 2007, 97 junior and seniors from Tenor toured the MATC downtown campus.  Of those 97, we anticipate 50 of those students will enroll into diploma or certificates programs next year. 

Dean Pitchford-Trice elaborated on the concept of this program, moving from planning to implementation.  The initial planning started over one year ago.  It was piloted this fall and has been very successful. The goal was to assist the student in continuing into post-secondary education laddering up to or continuing towards an associate degree.  Only 2 students were unable to complete the program due to personal reasons. 

Enrollment Issues

Presented By:  Dr. James Campbell

The Pre-College Education Division encompasses all campuses that offer non-post-secondary courses such as ESL, Basic Skills, Pre-GED and a variety courses.  The totals given are a total of all campuses (CBO included):  Overall goal:  1987  Current (Including Summer 08):  837 FTE’s or 42.1%; Summer 08:  District Goal:  230   MATC:  74% (166)

State looks at overall attendance and overall amount of FTE’s, which college receives credit for, i.e., 4th hours of instruction = 1 credit.

The determination for credit is determined by the following factors:

Enrollment and number of hours achieved based on students enrolled.

Fall 2008 – 541 FTE’s  = 5.5% above goal

Final calculation will be once all grades/attendance have been processed.

Fall 2007 compared to Fall 2008 = 97 FTE/95 FTE

Spring 2008:  Goal is 885 FTE.  Currently, we are 2% below goal.

Dean Pitchford-Trice proposed that Dr. Campbell reiterate in more depth how FTEs are generated.  In College, FTEs are generated by enrollment; Pre-College FTEs are generated by seat count.

Question posed by Dean Pitchford-Trice to members:

Is this the type of meeting, format and recommended changes?

Poll survey regarding meeting days/times available to see what time will work best for everyone. 

Ms. Collier:  1-1/2 hour meeting is fine.  Request an enrollment report, once completed, be distributed to all members

Mr. Luis:  Concurred with Ms. Colliers’ comments.

A request was made for meeting schedules be distributed as soon as possible in order to adjust schedules.

Ms. Castillo requests listing of member’s contact information.

Dean Pitchford-Trice will assign a liaison to the Board;  She to act as liaison in the interim.

Dean Pitchford-Trice requests one meeting be held at Discovery World as they have requested our presence, as well as hold future classes there.  Mark Mankowski, ESL, has requested to hold a class at that facility.


All absent members will receive minutes allowing of all motions made.




































Mr. Schultz asked for an organizational chart depicting Pre-College/Bilingual staff.












Surveys to be delivered to Carlie Deahl.

This item will be added to the agenda of the next meeting for discussion.





























Mr. Mulvenna to provide videotape of the MATC Technology Showcase to members.













Dr. Campbell to present an in depth description regarding the generation of FTEs, college vs. pre-college.

Poll Survey

Meeting Schedule to be forwarded to all members.

Member contact list be forwarded to all members.

Elect liaison to Board.

Select date to hold future Advisory Committee Meeting at Discovery World; contact and confirm with Discovery World.

Schedule next Advisory Committee Meeting (per survey poll).


Adjournment at 1:50 p.m.