SETI  is a project to Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.  It has undergone several changes in administration and measurement techniques since it was first founded.

Start by giving a brief evolution of this institution and its goals since its conception, including at least two individuals who were leading advocates of this project.  What changes in technology have made the odds of alien contact much more likely (when compared to earlier attempts).  Has SETI met with any success?  What is an "active SETI" project?  Has this ever been attempted?  Explain.  What is your personal belief about the possibility of intelligent life beyond earth?  Give some reasons why you hold such beliefs.

Part 1 - Start by giving a brief evolution of this institution and its goals since its conception, including at least two individuals who were leading advocates of this project. 

Once a government project, SETI is now a privately funded project.  Some of the key figures in the project are/were Frank Drake, Carl Sagan, Paul Allen, and many others.  I'll leave it to you to explain their roles in SETI.

Part 2 - What changes in technology have made the odds of alien contact much more likely (when compared to earlier attempts).

Using radio telescopes, the search for signals from ET were originally limited to one frequency but now radio telescopes can scan a wide range of frequencies.  You can even be a part of the game.  Your computer can look over space messages when it is idle using the SETI @ home project.

Another advancement is looking for pulses of laser signals from ET in a project known as optical SETI.

SETI is even looking for things advanced civilizations might construct (known as technosignatures).  These can be things like giant mirror systems, Dyson spheres, space shades, etc.

Part 3 - Has SETI met with any success?  What is the difference between an "active" and a "passive" SETI project?  Note: The word active here does not mean ongoing. Has an active SETI project ever been attempted?  Explain. 

So far, nothing!!!  Passive SETI only listens for space chatter.  Active SETI involves sending a signal from earth announcing our presence.   Only a handful of signals have been sent out, including the Arecibo message and lone signal

Part 4 - What is your personal belief about the possibility of intelligent life beyond earth?  Give some reasons why you hold such beliefs.

Part 5 - When discussing the topic of extraterrestrial intelligence, one often is forced to confront Fermi's paradox (or a discussion astronomers call the Great Silence) .  Briefly explain what this debate entails.  You don't have to take sides or settle the debate .... only explain what the problem is.

The Great Silence refers to the fact that we hear NOTHING! .... despite having the technology to pick up space chatter from aliens.  If intelligent life is prevalent in our galaxy, we should have discovered that by now.  This leads to one of two conclusions:  Either there is no one out there OR if they are out there, they don't broadcast for a very long time (suggesting they don't survive very long).  That is not a very comforting news for us!!!