Extra Credit Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to attend ANY astronomy related activity in your community. This can include:
Obtain proof of attendance (and scan), take notes which include topic of presentation, names of presenters, what you learned and found interesting. Email all to me with the subject Astronomy Activity Extra Credit.
Watch any (hour long)
NOVA episode
related to astronomy (besides the required Origins video series) All are
available for viewing (streaming video at https://www.pbs.org/
Watch the video and take notes in your own words. Indicate things you already knew and things that were new to you. Give a critique of the video in terms of level of difficulty, your personal interest in the topic, whether the video was worth your time, etc. Scan or type up your notes and email them to me with the subject Astronomy NOVA Extra Credit.
Watch the video and take notes in your own words. Indicate things you already knew and things that were new to you. Give a critique of the video in terms of level of difficulty, your personal interest in the topic, whether the video was worth your time, etc. Scan or type up your notes and email them to me with the subject Astronomy Cosmos Extra Credit.