The Atmosphere

The earth's atmosphere (without considering water vapor) is mainly composed of two gasses:

Nitrogen (N2) 78%

Oxygen  (O2)  21%

The rest is:

Argon (Ar) .9% - This is an inert gas which doesn't really do much.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) .03%
You already know the importance of this gas and the role it plays in the carbon cycle.  Specifically, it is important because the amount you find in the atmosphere directly effects:

Ozone (O3) (.0006%)

Solar Radiation and the Atmosphere

The sun produces more than just light (visible spectrum).  It produces "invisible" radiation such as UV (ultraviolet) and IR (infrared) radiation. As stated before, UV causes sunburns and should be avoided.  Infrared is sometimes known as "heat radiation" because it is detected by your skin as a warming sensation.  Ever feel warm and cozy under a "heat lamp"?   Scientists know that these types of radiation differ in wavelength (and designated with the Greek letter lambda  ).

Ultraviolet     = short wavelength ... less than .0004 mm
Visible        = wavelength between .0004 mm (violet) and .0007 mm (red)
Infrared    = long wavelengths ... longer than .0007 mm

Red = .0007 mm                                                     Violet = .0004 mm

How much of each type does the sun produce?  This is known as a radiation curve.  Click here, slide the temperature bar to around 6000 and click "new".  This will draw a radiation curve for the sun.  It should look something like this:

The sun puts out about: However, only about 50% of the radiation reaching the upper atmosphere actually reaches the surface and gets absorbed.  The bulk of this radiation reaching the ground lies in the visible.


The remaining radiation is absorbed by the earth.  When radiation is absorbed, the object absorbing the radiation will heat up, but:

So what does an object do when it absorbs radiation?  It not only heats up, but it then re-radiates energy back to the sky ... but at a much longer wavelength than the type it absorbed in the first place.  In the case of the earth, the radiation coming off the surface is in the far infrared.  But gasses in the atmosphere like CO2, water vapor, and methane easily absorb this energy and heat up the atmosphere instead.  This is the greenhouse effectThis means that the lower atmosphere is actually heated from the ground up by radiation emitted by the earth (and by conduction/convection originating from the surface).

Because the lower atmosphere is heated from the ground up, the higher up you go in the atmosphere, the cooler it gets (to a point).  On the average, for every 1000 feet you move up in the atmosphere, the temperature drops 3½ degrees Fahrenheit.  It is easy to see why glaciers can exist on the tops of mountains.

The Troposphere

The lowest layer of the atmosphere is the most important!  The troposphere extends to a height of 10 km (6 miles).  Almost ¾ of the entire atmosphere is found in this layer alone ... including all the interesting weather we see from day to day.  For that reason, the troposphere is often called the "weather sphere".  Typically the temperature drops with height in the troposphere but not always ... On occasion, it may actually rise as you move upward ... this is called an inversion.  As stated before, the temperature typically drops 3½ degrees Fahrenheit for every 1000 feet you move up.

The jet stream (covered later) can be found at the top of the troposphere.  It also marks the boundary for the next layer ...

The Stratosphere

Often called the "Ozone Layer", the stratosphere marks the point were temperatures start to increase with height.  This is because Ultra Violet (UV) radiation entering the atmosphere from above gets absorbed by the small amounts of ozone concentrated between 10 - 50 km above the surface.

This is good for us because UV radiation is harmful.  But why is ozone concentrated here?

To make ozone (O3) you need diatomic oxygen (O2) and monatomic oxygen (O) and lots and lots of tricky collisions.  Monatomic oxygen is found at the very top of the atmosphere but at that level, the air is so thin that there are not very many collisions .... (an important ingredient) to make ozone.  At the surface the air is more dense, so many collisions are possible ... but there is not enough monatomic oxygen to make ozone.  Only in the stratosphere is there the right combination of ingredients and necessary collisions to successfully manufacture ozone.

Perhaps you heard about the problems dealing with the "hole" in the ozone layer mostly over the south pole (in spring) ... but is seems to be thinning in vast regions as well.  It seems to be getting worse!  Is this caused by air pollution from "chloro- fluorocarbons".  The use of these chemicals in spray cans has been outlawed and the type of chemicals being used in refrigerators and air conditioners is being replaced with a new kind that is less harmful to ozone.

The top of the stratosphere marks the beginning of:

The Mesosphere

Temperatures again drop with height in this layer which extends from 50 to 80 km above the surface.  Most meteors burn up at this layer.  The last layer is:

The Thermosphere

This layer (like the stratosphere) has a heat source by absorbing UV radiation from the sun.  For that reason, the temperature increases with height.

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ŠJim Mihal 2004 - all rights reserved