Congratulations!  You have completed this class.  In the process you have had a chance to learn the following:

  1. Devices do not work by "magic", ... but by careful design
  2. .
  3. The natural laws of science can be put to good use to make things happen
  4. .
  5. You need to understand these natural laws to make sense of things
  6. .
  7. Once you understand the basic principle behind an object, you see that it can be applied in other objects
  8. .
  9. Most devices are quite simple, or the integration of several simple devices
  10. .
  11. Devices can be understood, ... all you need is curiosity, a sense of adventure, and some effort
  12. .
  13. Learning how devices work makes you think logically ...a great problem solving skill
  14. .
  15. You should not be intimidated by a device.  It is OK to get your hands dirty and take things apart (but always use common sense!  Some objects can harm you if you are not careful).

I hope you enjoyed this class and learned a lot.   I also hope my materials were insightful and easy to understand.  I tried my best NOT to bog you down with techno-babble and still get you to appreciate both the device and the science behind it.




I’d like to thank John Walsh, Roger Carlson, Elaine Cholka, and Ray Reny for their input to the course content.  I owe a great debt of gratitude to my Dad, Mike.  He not only helped review all materials in this project, he inspired me to become a teacher and served as a great role model in life.


Nanotechnology Demystified ISBN -13: 978-0-07-146023-1

How The Internet Works ISBN: 0-7897-3626-8

Handbook of Modern Sensors ISBN: 1-56396-538-0

Conceptual Physics ISBN: 0-673-49755-0

Thinking Physics  ISBN-13: 978-0935218015


©2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2016 by Jim Mihal - All rights reserved
No portion may be distributed without the expressed written permission of the author