The Piezoelectric Effect

Key Terms

piezoelectric crystals
Piezoelectric Effect
Pyroelectric  Effect


Certain crystals and ceramics, when stressed, produce a voltage (potential difference) across their surfaces.  That is, when you exert a force on a piezoelectric crystal, the ends of the crystal become electrically charged.  The word "piezo" (pē-ĀY-zō) means pressure in Greek.  This property was first observed by Pierre and Jacques Curie in 1880, but had little practical application because the voltage produced was rather low.  Since the 1950's improvements in materials and instrumentation have made piezoelectric crystals a cornerstone in industry as a stress/pressure sensor.

A piezoelectric crystal in action (animation)

It is easy to see why external forces initiate charge separations by examining the animation below.  The external stresses literally redistribute the arrangement of atoms so that one side acquires a net positive charge while opposite side acquires a net negative charge.

Applied forces produce charge separation (animation)

Turning force into electricity ... some practical applications

Turning electricity into mechanical energy

Just as you have seen so many times in the course, a piezoelectric crystal can run in reverse.  Look again at this animation:

Is the crystal changing shape because a voltage is applied ... or is a voltage difference set up because the crystal is changing shape?  The answer is ... you can't tell because both can happen.   This opens the floodgates for a whole new way to use these crystals.  The idea is simple:  Apply a charge to the crystal and it changes its shape.

Piezoelectric oscillators

Since these crystals are completely reversible in the way they interchange mechanical vibrations and electric pulses, they have become useful as oscillators.  If you have ever played on a swing you know what an oscillator is.  On the swing you are constantly converting gravitational potential energy to/from kinetic energy, but in a very rhythmic way.  You learn at a very early age at what point of the swing path a push is required to keep the swing moving with this natural motion.  Another type of oscillator is found when a weight is suspended by a spring.  Intuitively you know when to apply slight pushes to keep the system bouncing up and down (or side to side).  The common link here is a system where energy can bounce from one form to another.  In these cases, there is a natural oscillation pattern that the system resonates in.  You can keep the system "swinging" by adding energy at just the right time and place.

The crystal timer

Let's start with a piezoelectric crystal which is vibrating.  If you have ever played with a tuning fork you learn that once it is set in motion, it continues to do so in a natural pattern.  I'm referring to the natural resonance frequency.  Guitar strings, rocking chairs, bungee cords, even swaying buildings all have this natural tendency to move in distinct patterns.  The vibrating piezoelectric crystal is no different.

What is special here, however, is that along with the natural pattern of vibration in the crystal comes a pattern of voltages as well.  The key is to find a way to make this crystal continue to oscillate.  Here is one way you can do that:  Tap the electrical energy produced by the crystal and amplify it.  Next feed it back to the crystal (just the right amount and at the right time ... think about the swing example).  This makes the crystal want to vibrate some more ... which makes more electricity ... which is amplified and fed back to the crystal ... which  (I think you get the idea) ... an oscillator is born.  These become perfect metronomes to beat out the passage of time and are the heart of all crystal watches.   Earlier computers also used the beating of a piezoelectric crystal to define the clock speed of the CPU.  However, there are even more ways a piezoelectric oscillator can become useful:

The Pyroelectric Effect

Another interesting property exhibited by certain polarized crystals (like zinc oxide) is the Pyroelectric Effect.  Crystals with this property produce electric charges on their surfaces when heated.  That is, when the crystal undergoes a temperature change, it acts very much like a piezoelectric crystal when it is stressed.  In fact, all pyroelectric materials are piezoelectric (but the converse is not true).  So any crystal that displays the pyroelectric effect can be used as a heat flow sensor.

To understand why these crystals show this behavior, you must first understand the principles behind the piezoelectric effect and carry it one step further.  Suppose we have one of these crystals and heat it up suddenly.  As these crystals are changing temperatures, internal stresses are initiated within the crystal itself.  You can see this when you drop an ice cube in a glass of water.  Often the ice will suddenly crack as it is placed in the water.  This is because heat is suddenly transferring into the ice cube ... heating it up and expanding the outer surface first.  The inside of the cube remains colder so it does not expand.  This produces internal stress which is enough to make the cube crack.  When a pyroelectric crystal is heated suddenly, it behaves the same way ... initiating internal stresses (which act just like external forces on a piezoelectric crystal).  This initiates a charge separation (voltage) across the crystal.  Can you see why the crystal only produces these charges when it is heating up (or cooling down)?

Pyroelectric motion sensors

The human body emits infrared radiation.  This is sometimes called "radiant heat".  Pyroelectric crystals are sensitive to this kind of radiation.   When exposed they absorb the incoming waves and heat up.  This changes the crystal shape which then initiates an electric charge (which a chip is constantly monitoring).  Motion sensors consist of a pair of pyroelectric crystals and a lens (to focus an image of the room). 

The chip looks for patterns of signals from both crystals.  If the room suddenly becomes dark (because a cloud covers the sun) both sensors are triggered at the same time and the chip is tuned to ignore these effects.  However, if a person enters the room, the motion creates a pattern as it first reacts with one sensor and then the second sensor.  This pattern is enough to tell the chip to issue a warning or turn on a light.  In addition, the lens has a filter on it that only allows infrared with wavelengths from 8-14 mm because humans emit radiation strongest in that bandwidth.  This helps cut down on false alarms.

Pyroelectric motion sensor (animation)

©2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2016 by Jim Mihal - All rights reserved
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