The Final Exam

Look in the Blackboard daily schedule (top item in the announcement page) to make sure you know when the exam is available.   This exam will consist of 50 questions @ 6 pts. each and is worth 300 points total.  The exam covers all 5 units in this class.  The exam itself can be found in the same folder you found the unit tests (administered online through blackboard just like all the unit tests).  There will be a 1½ hour time limit.   As an aid you may use five (8½" x 11") sheets of hand written notes (both sides).  Concentrate on the central ideas.

I suggest you look over all your unit tests as a great way to review for the exam.   To review your tests on blackboard, go to My Grades, then click on the test number (ex, Test 3) ... and then click on the score that appears on the right.

The final exam is proctored by your instructor and requires an ID check!

This means prior to taking the exam, your instructor will check your identity as well as making sure you are taking the exam alone with your notes. 

How to take the exam:

You will take the exam ONLINE just like you took all the unit tests.  The only difference is I will checking your ID and notes prior to taking the exam plus you will be taking the exam in a "virtual classroom" with up to 4 or 5 additional students.

You will need:

Basically you place your fully charged (or plugged in) phone off to the side with you and your computer in view as you take the exam.  This has worked very well with students in the past but technical issues can happen, so please be patient.  I suggest you arrange a quick "mock" video conference with your instructor or friend (in advance) just to make sure you are comfortable with the technology.  It is actually very simple.  Many have already done this when I evaluated your Stellarium assignment.

Times to take the exam:

Option 1:  Early    I'm most flexible with early birds.  If you wish to take the exam early, simply contact your instructor and schedule a time that works best for both parties.  The exam will be taken individually via the online procedure.  Your smart phone can have Google Meet, Google Hangouts, Skype or Zoom installed (sorry, no Facetime) 

Option 2: During the exam period Thursday, December 10 - Wednesday, December 16  (I've extended the time period for the exam due to the unusual circumstances of Covid)

If you wait until the last week of class (most students), you must take the exam in a group online setting using Google Meet.  You can reserve a spot by notifying me anytime because I try to limit the number of students in each session to five (first come, first served ... then I close it).  Please pick the time/option that works best for you but whichever session you choose, you must notify me at least 24 hours in advance so I can make the necessary arrangements.  I need to set up a group meeting and email you an invite just prior to the scheduled time. 

December 10 @ 7 pm 

December 11 @ 7 pm

December 12 @ 10 am

December 12 @  2 pm

December 13 @ 10 am

December 14 @ 7 pm

December 15 @ 10 am

December 16 @ 7 pm

Here is how this works.  Once I know which session you are in, I can invite you to a group Google Meet video conference prior to the exam.  You will need to have Google Meet installed on your smart phone.  Google Meet is likely already installed on your Android smart phone but please go to the Play Store to make sure you have the updated version.   Google Meet definitely needs to be downloaded on Apple products (free app at the Apple Store).  Open your student email (on your phone) and wait until you see the invite come in.  Click the link in the email and the phone will do the rest.  After I check you in, you move the (fully charged) phone off to the side and you can start the exam.

Option 3: Special Arrangements

Call your instructor if none of the times/options work for you.  I am very flexible, but I do require advanced notification (>24 hour) to arrange an agreeable solution.