Course Name:   NatSci 225 – Introductory Astronomy - Online   Instructor’s Name:   Jim Mihal

Instructor’s Cell Phone Number: (262) 751-6465



Student Personal Information  (student should fill out this section)


Student Name: _____________________________________MATC ID # :____________________________________________



Phone Number: _____________________________________E-Mail address___________________________________________________________



It is understood that there will be no collaboration with any other individuals during this exam.   You are allowed 5 sheets (8½" x 11") of hand written notes.  You will be taking this exam using the Lockdown browser.


Student’s Signature_______________________________________________________







Please let the MATC South campus ASC employee  fill out this section



ID Verification Information


Please check that you have verification of the student identity listed above, either through a drivers license, MATC ID or some other picture ID.


ID Checker's Signature


My signature attests that I did verify the student’s identity.  I further attest that the student completed the exam without any help from other individuals.  Students are allowed to use five 8½" x 11" sheets of hand written notes.









Instructor Name:  Jim Mihal


Please keep this form in a folder (under my name) at the South Campus ASC (I will pick them up at the end of the semester) or campus mail to Jim Mihal (south campus box 206) .   Thank You.