Natural Science 232 - Earth Science
Generic Course Syllabus



Instructor: Jim Mihal
Office: To be determined
Office Hours: Posted outside the office or by appointment
Phone: (262) 751-6465
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 3
Text: All of the material is online and free. You can reach this material by clicking the Study Guide links below.

Format: Lecture
I hope you enjoy this course in earth science. You will not be required to do any complex mathematics in this course. However, we will present many ideas and concepts in this class and this is the material I will stress on the evaluations. The course can be broken down into these main topics:

Structure and Evolution of the Earth
    (Minerals, Plate Tectonics, Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Life)
Geological features and activities of the Earth's crust
    (Glaciers, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Oceans, Mountain Building)
Geologic Cycles
    (Water, Rock, Carbon)
Energy as a resource
    (What we use, How we get it, Alternatives)
The Atmosphere
    (How the earth balances its solar energy)
    (Where we fit in the Big Picture)



There will be 5 tests worth 100 points (all taken online via Blackboard) and a 200 point comprehensive final exam (taken on campus). Failure to take the final exam will result in a U for the class. In addition, pop quizzes will be given in class, averaged, and count as one 100 point test. I will drop the lowest of the 100 point scores. The study guides will indicate which units of the text will be covered on the test.


Each student must watch the NOVA miniseries - Origins.  It consists of 4, one hour tapes (or DVD).  Each video has a study guide associated with it.  You can find details in the assignments folder in blackboard.  Each video is worth a maximum of 50 points.  Therefore, this series is worth a total of 200 points.

There are 4 additional homework assignments you must complete. Each is worth 50 points. You may do an additional assignment for 50 bonus points. All assignments are found in Blackboard’s assignments icon.

Tasks Maximum Points Location
5 Tests / Pop Quizzes 500 (lowest score is dropped) Tests are given online
Pop quizzes are given in class
NOVA miniseries - Origins 200 Assignments icon in Blackboard
Additional Homework Assignments 200 (plus 50 extra credit) Assignments icon in Blackboard
Final Exam 200 (comprehensive) Taken on campus

There are 1100 possible points you can earn in this class. Your grade is based on a percentage basis of that total.

Grades are determined as follows:

90-100% A
80-90%   B
70-80%   C
60-70%   D
0-60 %    U        (I give + and –‘s at 2.5% from each end)

This class may be dropped two weeks prior to the final test. Please obtain a drop slip and have your instructor sign it if you intend to drop the course. Incomplete grades will only be given if an emergency prevents completion of the course and advance arrangements are made with the instructor. 

I hope you enjoy this class...Good Luck! 

Please read the syllabus addendum found in blackboard


Geology Glossary Links

Some GREAT general links:

Earth Science Resources: Geology, Oceanography, Astronomy & Ecology -Geology

Study Guides / Lecture Notes

Test 1 at
Test 2 at
Test 3 at
Test 4 at
Test 5 at