Welcome to NatSci 167  - The Science of Technology

Please see Blackboard which will indicate when this class officially runs.  You can start as soon as I make the class available which is typically a few weeks prior to the official start date.

This page contains class procedures and answers many frequently asked questions about the class

Part 1 - Set-up procedures
Part 2 - Class procedures
Part 3 - What you should do next
Part 4 - Frequently asked questions about this class

Part 1 - Gaining Access, Looking Around, and Initial Survey

You are now registered and have full access to the MATC Blackboard entry point.  You have also successfully navigated to this class - NatSci 167 (or you would not be seeing this screen).  Congratulations!  Every time you log into Blackboard you will be asked for the same ID and password (so please don't forget it).  

Please look over the syllabus carefully. Also make sure you can access these course folders - Quizzes and Tests, Assignments , and Discussion Board which are normally "restricted" folders. 

Things you need to do immediately:

  1. Make sure you can access your MATC email.  The MATC Gmail address will be your STUDENT ID @gmatc.matc.edu   ... procedures are given here.    Please check your email often.  Note: There is even a procedure that allows you to forward your MATC email to another email account.

    If I email you, it will be to your MATC mail account so it is very important that you have this set up properly.  Once set up, you should try sending yourself an email as a test.

  2. Introduce yourself in the discussion board.  You even get 10 bonus points for doing this.

  3. Fill out this short survey.  Please simply cut/paste these questions to your email program, fill out the answers, and send the results to me. (Filling this survey out is worth 10 bonus points). My email address is listed in the "Teacher Info" icon of Blackboard.

Please put NatSci 167 Survey in the subject line for your email

Please enter your FIRST name:

Please enter your LAST name:

Please enter your section number for your 806 - 167 class (format 4?? or 80? or 90?,   Please supply the value of  ? ):

Please enter your MATC email address:

Please enter your preferred alternate email address (if any):

Please enter your phone number (including area code):

I have read the syllabus and understand it. - yes or  no

I know how to send and receive email through my MATC account. - yes or  no

Are you aware that the required text for this class is an electronic eBook (at no additional cost)? - yes or  no

Are you aware of what is expected of you?  You must read the course eBook, answer discussion questions, do assigned homework, take practice quizzes and tests which cover the reading material, contribute to the discussion board, and read and understand the discussion board answers once they are posted after the due date.  - yes or  no

Are you aware there are due dates associated with each activity?   Those due dates are listed in the "daily schedule", and in the same folder that you find the task.  - yes or  no

Will you please try to remember to always put your full name and section number on every email you send to your instructor (since your instructor may have other online classes)? - yes or  no

Will you please use your own words when posting answers to the discussion board (and list all your sources)? - yes or  no

Are you aware that it is unethical to copy/paste answers from other sources without giving credit to the source? - yes or  no

Are you aware that you can email or call your instructor anytime you experience problems?  (See "Teacher Info" icon for my email address and phone number.) - yes or  no

Do you have any special needs or learning disabilities I should be aware of? - yes or  no
If yes, please specify:

Please type any special concerns you might have regarding this class:


Part 2 - Class Procedures

About this class:

This class was conceived over lunch in 1999 with some fellow instructors.  We came to realize that so few students really have a clear understanding about what makes things (that are commonly used) "tick".  So in an attempt to remedy that situation, this class was conceived.  As you will see, a lot of time was dedicated in developing eBook materials which currently act as resource material (class reading).  Many other web sites have bits and pieces of great material but one stands out - "How Stuff Works" site at http://www.howstuffworks.com is by far the best I've found.  Another very good site is Explain That Stuff.  Many times my on-line material falls short of a complete understanding.  If that is the case, please take additional time to read this supplemental material.

Starting in the Fall of 2007, this class went to a 3 credit version and renamed from NatSci 150 (2 credit version) to NatSci 10-806-167.  It is now part of the Wisconsin Technical College System curriculum which consists of 16 Technical Colleges in the state.

At the end of each semester I ask students to evaluate the class itself.  I ask for suggestions to help improve the experience for future students (you).  Here are some of the things they had to say (which may encourage you or help you make the correct decisions) - click here.

About online learning:

Teaching and learning on-line presents unique challenges.  So much of my experience in teaching in a classroom setting had to be "re-tooled" to accommodate this learning approach.   I've taken several classes on-line and I find it quite a different experience from traditional classes.  The biggest factor in on-line learning, I believe, is that the student has to be highly self motivated.  You have to take the initiative and keep yourself on a rigorous schedule.  You have the advantage of flexibility and the ability to learn when you are in the mood.  What I feel you will miss are the several in-class demonstrations I use to drive home a point and my corny jokes (maybe you are better off without them).

I've divided all the material into 7 units and each unit is further subdivided into sections that would represent a single class lecture.  You will take a test on each unit.

I plan to run this class in a "self paced" manner.  All tests are open for an entire week.  Please check the exact dates each test is open in the "Due Dates" folder in blackboard.  Remember to pace yourself.

Things you need to pay attention to:

Read the class material

After you read a section in the course eBook, go to the discussion board and look over the questions covering that particular section.  Choose something that interests you.  After you have read all the sections in a unit, you are ready for an evaluation.  I will be posting all the answers to the discussion board the same day the test opens.  Before you take the test, look over all the answers to the discussion board and take a practice quiz.  These quizzes carry no point value but offer you a chance to see typical test questions and become familiar with the testing procedure in Blackboard.  After you take the unit test, follow the same procedure for the next unit.

Discussion Board

You will need to earn points in the discussion board.  Look it over!  Please pay close attention to the due dates because once I post the answers, I can not accept any late discussion.  You will want to know all the answers to the discussion board before you take a unit test.  Please do not simply cut/paste your discussion answers.  Always credit your sources.


Please look in the Assignments icon in blackboard.  These can be done any time before the class ends.

My on-line office hours:

You can email me anytime if you have a question or comment about this class.  I check my email every day or call me.  See the Teacher Info icon in Blackboard. 


You can see your scores through the "My Grades" icon of blackboard.  Since I have to manually enter discussion scores, there may be a slight delay between the time you submit the work and the time it appears in your grade listing.

I will use these same scores to calculate your class grade by importing them into an Excel spreadsheet I provide.  You can follow along, if you like, because I've posted (in the Miscellaneous folder) a similar Excel spreadsheet.  Feel free to use this so you have a good idea how your grade is progressing and what you can expect when you finish the class.  The grade shown at far right is your grade in the class but it is only valid when scores are placed in every column.

I try to check my email every day and I will reply to each email I receive.  I also look over the discussion board each day.  If your post is fine, I usually just record the points, but if you need to fix something up, I will let you know by either posting a reply ...sending an email  .. or both.

Part 3 - What you should do now ....

Explore the blackboard icons for this class.  Pay attention to the Syllabus, Assignments, and Discussion Board.  Make sure you have a clear idea of your expectations.  Do not be overwhelmed ... which is a common reaction.  With a positive attitude and a little self motivation, this class can be fun and enriching.

Start reading the course eBook starting with Unit 1.  Email questions when you don't understand something.  The additional links in the eBook are for clarifications and bonus material (and NOT covered on the unit tests).  If you have the curiosity and time, check out these links.

Good luck and have fun learning about the things you use every day.

Part 4 - FAQ's

Question - Help!  This is overwhelming me.  What exactly should I be doing and looking at?
Answer: The most important folders are Quizzes and Tests, Assignments and Discussion Board.  Here is what you can expect to find in each one:

Question - When are things due?
Answer: Look in the Quizzes and Tests, Assignments and Discussion Board icons in blackboard for exact due dates.  I've even created a "Due Dates" icon so they all appear in one place.  Finally, I've also made a "daily schedule" which contains ALL due dates in one calendar.  Look for that in the welcome message of the announcement page.

Question - What material am I suppose to be reading?
Answer:  The textbook is available at no additional cost and accessed in Blackboard in the folder named - eBook.

Question - Can I get a hard copy of the eBook?
Answer: After you have access to the eBook, you may print out any or all of the material on a printer.  There is no hard copy available at this time - Sorry!

Question - Is there a suggested schedule I should be following so I don't get behind?
Answer - Yes, look in the announcement page at the top ... there is a "daily schedule" listed that you can use as a guide.

Question - How can I tell what grades I'm getting?
Answer:  If you click on "My Grades", you will see all your scores.  I've even created a small Excel spreadsheet in the Miscellaneous folder which you can download and use to calculate your final grade.  It contains the same formulas I use when making out final grades.  This is found in the Miscellaneous folder (bottom item).

Question - I posted an answer to the discussion board but the grade book shows I haven't received any points.  What is wrong?
Answer:  I have to manually record discussion points to the grade book.  I generally submit grades after I read it.  Please be patient!  If you have an incomplete or wrong answer, I will alert you immediately so you have a chance to fix it before the due date.  If you do not hear from me within a reasonable amount of time (say 24 hours), look at the grade book and see if I gave you credit.  If you have the maximum points possible, you can assume you did everything right.

Question - What are the quizzes and tests like?
Answer: All quizzes and tests are done on-line and through blackboard.  They are open notes and most are multiple choice.  The quizzes are practice "tune-ups" for the tests so make sure you do the quizzes first.  Of course, they are open notes so have your material well organized before you start so you can reference specific material quickly.

Question - How is my grade determined?
Answer: Look in the syllabus.  Your grade is based on homework (see the Assignments icon in blackboard), tests, and discussion questions.  You can even do some extra credit work (see Assignments folder).  If you look in the Miscellaneous folder of blackboard, you can download an Excel spreadsheet that will help you keep track of  your grades.

Question - When I take an on-line quiz or test I experience technical problems.  How can I avoid them?
Answer: Look in the Miscellaneous folder to read some tips.  That should fix most problems.

Question - If I post an incorrect answer in the discussion board, can I make it up?
Answer: Sure.  If you post answers that are not correct, I will let you know.  If you post well before the due date you can fix the answer and receive full credit.  However, after the due date I can not accept any work. 

Question - If I hate this on-line experience can I still get into a classroom setting?
Answer: There are sections of this class offered on other MATC campuses.  If I am one of the instructors, join the class at any time.  If there is a different instructor I will be happy to talk to them on your behalf.  Obviously the earlier you decide, the easier it is to make the switch.

Question - After I take a test, I would like to review it at a later time.  Is that possible?
Answer: Yes!  You need to access your grades in blackboard (see My Grades) and click on the score itself.  This will bring up a copy of the questions and your responses.

Question - What is the best way to contact you or send you material?
Answer: Please email me everything if possible.  My email address is listed in the syllabus and I check my email often.  You can also phone me (see Teacher Info / Contact Teacher icon in Blackboard).   I will NOT be using the digital drop box in blackboard.

Question - It seems like you are not responding to my email.  Are you ignoring me?
Answer:  No, I try to give a response to every email I receive and I try to check my email every day.  Once the semester starts, if you do not get a response in a few days it may be because I have been really busy.  If you don't hear from me in one week, something is wrong!  I use a spam filter which blocks annoying email.  If your email contains certain phrases like "free trial offer" or "to be removed from this list" ... I will never get it.  Sometimes your email signature file contains these catch phrases.  Give me a phone call if you think email is not working properly (see the Teacher Info icon in blackboard for my number).

Question - Is the eBook available after the class ends?
Answer:  Yes .... once you have access to the eBook, you can bookmark any page and it will be available to you ...  even after the class ends.  I suggest you bookmark the index page (the opening page with the individual unit links.)  You will NOT need access to Blackboard to view this material.