Human Differences & Culture


Each of us is a unique person possessing limitless potential. Hopefully we know this is true, and yet we probably don't give it very much thought. As humans we are distinct from animals for several reasons. (1) Because we do not rely on instinct to make decisions but instead make conscious choices. (2) Humans are time-referenced meaning we know and contemplate the meaning of the past, present and future. (3) Unlike animals we have elaborate belief systems about our presence here on earth and we wonder about things like "the meaning of life." (4) We have developed incredible methods of communication including language, gestures, signs and increasing technologies. Finally, (5) we have the ability to delay gratification - which means we can give up or put off something today because we understand it is in our best interest to do so. In fact, one way we measure maturity is the extent to which a person can delay gratification. Are you willing to skip a party tonight so that you can study for a test tomorrow? In the short run the party would certainly be more fun! But in the long run tomorrow's test might mean a whole lot more.

Our differences as humans can be explained in several ways. Some our differences are biological differences - like our hair color, eye color, height, gender and so on. Some of our differences are social differences or differences we have learned from those around us. Our language, the things we eat and what we wear are examples of social differences. Sociologists are much more concerned with social differences than they are biological differences. We may be like a lot of other people with whom we share biological differences, but we tend to differ with each other because of the way our culture has raised us. Culture refers to the ways in which a particular group of people lives.

1. List and explain five ways that you are a like or similar to every other person. (Think hard - you are similar to everyone else in only a very few, limited, ways).

2. List and explain five ways you are similar to some other people.

3. List and explain five ways that you are unique (unlike anyone else in the world!)

We can often learn a lot about other culture by gathering artifacts or items from that culture. If you awoke on another planet and looked down to find a paper and pencil you might assume that the culture you were visiting could communicate through writing. If you saw roads you would assume there were methods of transportation, etc. Sometimes a city, state or country will accumulate articles to be placed in a  time capsule. The time capsule is sealed and not to be opened for a specified (usually very long) length of time. When it is opened by future generations they will be able to inspect the artifacts and learn about past cultures. Here is a site concerning a time capsule which was buried as a part of the 1939 World's Fair (link) and is not to be opened for 5,000 years. Here is another from Wired Magazine (link) which talks about what might be in a time capsule being buried today.

4. List twelve (12) items you would place in a time capsule to symbolize American culture. For each write a single sentence explaining why you chose the item. (These are your opinion there's no right or wrong answers!)

5. Pretend that a group of English speaking people have been found on a previously unknown island in the Atlantic. Evidently they are the descendants of those presumed to be from a ship that was lost at sea while journeying to the New World during the 18th century. You are a teacher and will work with them when they arrive. They will be quarantined for a period of two weeks during which time they will be "indoctrinated" or "educated" and made ready for life in the United States.

Your task is to decide which American culture traits to teach these soon-to-be immigrants. What beliefs, ideas, customs, would you want to teach? What practical ideas or skills would you transmit in the short time you have?

Make a list of the 20 most important culture traits you believe need to be taught. For each write a single sentence explaining your choice. (These are your opinion there's no right or wrong answers!)

You were chosen for this assignment largely because of your ability to empathize with others - which is the ability to see things from another point of view. If you were one of these new immigrants what would you hope someone would explain to you?