Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students are expected to be familiar with MATC policies and procedures. 

Student Handbook:


Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, collaborating with another without the approval of the instructor, plagiarizing, stealing the work of another, falsifying records of work, and assisting another student in any of the above. Academic dishonesty is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct:   If an instructor believes that an act of academic dishonesty may have occurred, he or she should meet with the student to discuss the alleged conduct (if possible). If the instructor determines that an act of academic dishonesty did occur, the instructor may choose one of the following responses: warn the student of unacceptable behavior, reprimand the student, and issue an alternative assignment/test, reduce the grade for the project or examination, remove the student from the course and submit a Withdrawal (“W”), or assign a failing grade for the course.

       The Student Code of Conduct is the definitive document on student conduct (including academic dishonesty) and the judicial system at any campus. For more information, call 414-297-7859.



Withdrawal Procedures 


You may be dropped for absenteeism when:

  1. You fail to submit any work within a 30 day period.
  2. You fail to meet attendance requirements of licensing agencies.
  3. You have not attended class online during the first two weeks of the term.
  4. If you have documented health or unusual personal problems affecting your attendance and your instructor agrees that you can make up the work, you may be allowed to continue and may be advised to use MATC support services (e.g., child care, financial aid, counseling, academic support, etc.). However, if your instructor determines you cannot complete the work or you will hinder instruction of other students, you will be withdrawn. To appeal you must go to the academic dean and request reinstatement. If you are appealing, you may stay in class until the drop is official, unless your presence may cause a safety hazard to yourself or others.


Online Course Attendance Policy

Regular weekly coursework is essential to successfully complete this class. The amount of time will vary by student. In a traditional classroom setting, a 3 credit class requires 48 classroom hours with the expectation that the student commits an additional minimum 96 hours of preparation outside of class.  This online class has the same student time commitment expectation.  The effort that you put forth will directly impact your success in this class.


I expect students to work according the daily schedule shown in the announcement page of Blackboard.  Homework, projects and exams must be submitted by the due dates outlined on the daily schedule. 



You must check your MATC e-mail AND login to Blackboard routinely during the week in order to keep up with the homework and to make sure you receive all class announcements.

How to Succeed in this Course

   Check your MATC email regularly

   Log in to the course web site daily

   Communicate with your instructor

   Create a study schedule so that you don’t fall behind on assignment

   Utilize Academic Assistance (tutoring, Academic Support Centers, Library).

Learner (Student) Responsibilities

   Take responsibility for your own learning.

   Be prepared for class and be an enthusiastic participant during class

   Treat others with tolerance and respect

   Act responsibly and reliably in group work

   Set high standards for your work

   Seek help during instructor contact hours


Instructor Responsibilities

As your instructor, I commit to communicating openly and frequently with you about this class.  I will maintain a professional, safe learning environment adhering to the policies of the college.  You can expect a reply to communication, be it via e-mail, through online discussions, voicemail, video chat, or in person, within 24-48 business hours. 


Personal Conduct Policy

If you have an e-mailed class question, you can typically expect a response within one day.  All correspondence with your instructor should be professional in nature as this is good practice for the real world.  Inappropriate language, tone and format are unacceptable.  Please no “texting” language.




Academic Assistance

 I encourage you to take advantage of the Academic Support Services and Accounting Labs and tutoring services.  It has been my experience that students who utilize these valuable resources are more apt to succeed in their classes.

Academic Support Centers (check for details):

Downtown Campus C271  Oak Creek Campus A208

West Campus Main 249    Mequon Campus A282

Technical Support Information (MyMatc, InfOnline, Gmail, and Blackboard)

Computer difficulties are not a long-term excuse for non-participation.

For technical assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, please contact the MATC Help Desk: 

Phone: 414-297-6541

       Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

       Saturday - Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Voicemail Attendant Only)


Additional Student Assistance

Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing or may be facing other life challenges that are negatively impacting their performance in this course is urged to contact a MATC counselor, or the MATC Foundation to understand whether additional resources may be available.  A number of community support resources and the Hunger Task Force Food Pantry are located on the 8th Floor of Foundation Hall on the Downtown Campus.  Also, please notify your instructor if you are comfortable in doing so to enable him or her to provide additional information or support as appropriate and available.


MyMATC, Blackboard and Email

Students log into MATC portal, Blackboard, school email, and campus computers using their MATC network account username and password.  Log into the MATC portal: and use the Blackboard module links to view your courses.  Student assistance:


Grade Appeal Process

Within fifteen (15) business days from the date grades are due (or submitted if done so after the due date), the student shall contact the instructor who issued the final grade and discuss the grade in question. The contact or the discussion should occur or be documented in writing via email. If the student is unable to contact the faculty member, he or she may seek assistance through the instructor’s Associate Dean.


If the student and instructor are unable to resolve the dispute, and the student wishes to pursue the matter, he or she shall contact the Associate Dean in writing within five (5) business days of the faculty member’s decision. The student must indicate the course number, the instructor’s name, and the reasons for disputing the final grade on a Grade Appeal Request form.


The full policy can be located here:

Academic Grade Appeal


Student Complaint Procedure

 MATC has established a formal system to assist students in resolving academic problems and course-related issues. In order for a complaint to be valid, the following 4 steps must be followed in sequence:


Step 1: Meet with the instructor to discuss any questions related to the course (requirements or

             assignments) or if you are experiencing academic problems. If the issue is unresolved after

             meeting with the instructor…

Step 2: Meet with the Associate Dean of the department. If the issue is unresolved after meeting with

             the Associate Dean…

Step 3: Meet with the Dean of the department. If the issue is unresolved after meeting with the Dean…

Step 4: Go to The Office of Student Life for assistance.


Official complaints can be submitted via this link:

If you have college-related concerns or problems – either academic or nonacademic in nature – or have complaints or disputes involving college policies, services, employees, or other students, you are encouraged to utilize the services of the Office of Student Life. This office provides assistance and guidance in resolving issues that are pertinent to you. For assistance, call:

             Milwaukee Campus — 414-297-6229

             North Campus — 262-238-2218

             South Campus — 414-571-4715

             West Campus — 414-456-5304


Syllabus Changes

As your instructor, I retain the right to make changes based on the timeline of the class, feedback from learners and/or logistical issues and will inform you as soon as a change is made.


Incomplete Policy

The incomplete policy in this course is in accordance with the statement in the MATC College Catalog.  Incomplete grades are given only with the student is unable to complete the course due to unusual circumstances.  It is not intended for the student who merely falls behind in the required work.  To be eligible for an incomplete grade the student must be passing with a grade of C or better.  An incomplete form must signed one week prior to the end of class and arrangements must be made with the instructor for completion of the course during the following semester.  If the remaining course work is not completed during the following semester, the grade becomes a U.


Statement of Non-Discrimination

MATC does not discriminate against any student or applicant for admission on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, source of income, place of business, residence, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any complaint process on campus or externally.


If you believe you have been the subject to unlawful discrimination, or want to report a concern, please speak with your instructor, or complete the online reporting form:


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

If you have a disability that impacts your academic performance and wish to request an accommodation, contact Student Accommodation Services (, for details). 

They may require documentation regarding your disability to enable them to comply with your request.  Admission of a disability is voluntary and will be handled in a confidential manner.  MATC does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities and fully complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.   To ensure your academic success in your program, you are strongly encouraged to provide your instructor with a copy of the Instructor Notification Form from Student Accommodation Services.


Title IX Regulations  [1] 

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, and any other sex-based misconduct, relationship violence, discrimination based on pregnancy, and the failure to provide equal opportunity in all areas of schooling such as admissions, educational programs or activities, and athletics.


In accordance with Title IX, any type of sexual discrimination or other unlawful discrimination or harassment is taken seriously and is promptly investigated by the college.  Complaints or concerns about sexual discrimination or harassment may be filed through the MATC report form at:


In addition, MATC's Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators are available to provide information concerning the college's policies, resources and to discuss concerns related to Equal Opportunity issues, including sexual misconduct or sexual harassment. 

Interim MATC Title IX Coordinator - Dr. Mark Felsheim[2] 

Phone: 414-571-4616



Reports of sexual assault, stalking, domestic abuse and other criminal activity should be made to MATC Public Safety at 414-297-6200.


Title IX also prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions. If you need to be absent due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy and maternity leave, such absences will be excused as long as deemed medically necessary by a student’s doctor.  You will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Students needing assistance as a result of a pregnancy or related condition must contact the Student Accommodation Services at 414-297-6750.


Emergency/Evacuation Statement

Every Milwaukee Area Technical College building is equipped with a mass notification system that will be used by the Department of Public Safety to provide directions during an emergency.  Students can also receive text messages with school closing and other emergency notifications from our RaveAlert system.  Sign up at


All classrooms are equipped with an Emergency Response Guide which provides guidelines for dealing with emergencies.  An electronic version of the guide is available at:  


Students are asked to review these guidelines so they are familiar with emergency procedures.  Please notify your instructor during the first week of the semester if you have a condition that may limit or affect your ability to evacuate the classroom/building in an emergency. 


Clery Act Compliance

In compliance with the Clery Act, MATC publishes an Annual Security Report, which discloses campus security policies and three years of selected crime statistics.  This report is available to all students and hard copies can be obtained from any MATC Public Safety office during normal business hours.  An electronic version can be found at:


MATC also publishes a Daily Crime Log which discloses all crimes reported to the Public Safety Department for the past 60 days.  This log can be found at:




MATC's Career Essentials are the formal method to assess career readiness or soft skills. Career Essentials consist of seven (7) competencies that program students are to demonstrate by the time they complete a program. They are listed in the image below.



Career Essentials


Every program course will include an evaluation of at least one (1) Career Essential, facilitated through Blackboard. The purpose of Career Essentials assessment is to evaluate student soft skills within the context of their program and to provide those results to the students.  The results of this assessment will indicate where students are at any point in their progress throughout their time at MATC.  Note-Career Essential assessments are not part of your regular grade.


Typically, students complete a Career Essentials Assessment through a familiar assignment submission process in Blackboard. See these instructions.

If you have questions about the Career Essentials competency and assessment in your course, please contact your instructor.


Once an instructor grades a Career Essentials assignment, you will be able to view your results through the My Grades and Goal Performance tools in the course.  See these instructions to learn more.


Online Orientation

Information to Help You Get Started Online

Online classes give you the flexibility to access your course content when it is convenient for you. However, online classes aren't for everyone!  The Accounting Program at MATC offers a variety of class formats including traditional face-to-face, online and hybrid (blended).  Make sure to contact your Advisor for additional program questions. *COMPUB 798 is now a requirement before being able to register for an Online course.


What is Online Learning?

       Internet-based - Courses are delivered through the use of Internet-connected computers, course websites, and digital communication tools.  Course syllabi, content, activities, and assessments are accessed completely online.

       Flexible - Course content is accessible at your convenience. There are no specific "classroom" meeting times. You will complete weekly activities and assessments according to designated due dates, but based around your schedule.

       Interactive - You will use email, chat, discussion boards, and other online tools to communicate with your instructor and classmates.

       Rigorous - Online learning is as rigorous as traditional learning in a course taught face-to-face.

Students who are good candidates for online or blended learning:

       Demonstrate good time management skills

       Exhibit strong self-discipline

       Are highly communicative

       Are strongly self-motivated to learn

       Demonstrate good critical thinking skills

       Have basic technology skills, including: basic computer navigation skills; word processing skills; online communication skills, and Internet navigation skills.

To learn more about online learning, we recommend participating in the following activities:

       Take the Technical Skills Self-Assessment to determine if you have the basic technology skills needed to complete online courses successfully.

       *Enroll in Online Student Readiness (COMPUB-798), a self-directed four (4) hour course that introduces students to skills, technologies, and best practices for being successful in online learning. Students may register for the course through INFOnline.

       Review the Start Here and Login Help pages

       Review the Student Blackboard Orientation