Earth Science Study Guide - Test 5

As always, please plan to complete this material in 3 weeks.

The Sky

Viewing the Sky - click here

The Changing Sky - Rotation - click here

The Changing Sky - Revolution - click here

autumnal equinox
celestial sphere
celestial poles
celestial equator
circumpolar regions
diurnal motion
vernal equinox

Know why the sun “appears” to move east to west across the sky each day and why it “appears” to move west to east against the stars in the course of a year.

The Solar System

Click here to learn about the moon.
Click here to learn a little about the solar system.

asteroid (asteroid belt)
Collision Ejection Theory
extra-solar planets
Jovian planets
K/T event
Kuiper belt
Maunder minimum
mare (maria)
Oort comet cloud
planetesimal hypothesis
sunspot cycle
Terrestrial planets

Know the major features of the moon, Venus, and mars and a bit about some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn..
Know how solar activity can change in time and ways this activity can effect the earth.  Understand how the solar system formed and list its general properties.  Has the earth ever been hit by an object from space?  Could it happen in the future?

Click here to learn more about the lives of stars.
Click here to learn about galaxies.
Click here to learn about the origin and fate of the universe.

big bang theory
black hole
cosmic background radiation
flat universe
galaxy and galaxy types
    spiral (our Milky Way)
H-R diagram and star classifications
     main sequence
     (red) giant
     (red) supergiant
     white dwarf

Hubble's law (law of redshifts)
light year
neutron star (pulsar)
spectral class
steady state theory

Stellar Evolution stages - know the stages for our sun and stars more massive than our sun
Evolution of the Universe - What is the universe made of?  How did it begin? What is its fate?


Astronomy Picture of the Day
Nasa Press releases